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What to choose: Natural Hair or Synthetic Fiber

Foto del escritor: ChiaraChiara

The difference between natural and synthetic hair wigs is the type of fiber. A synthetic fiber wig will always be perfectly combed even after washing. Natural hair wigs are made from real human hair so they look and feel real, they have to be combed after washing just like real hair.

Which one do you need? It depends, human hair and synthetic hair have advantages and limitations so depending on your needs, time and budget, it will be better to choose one or the other. The ideal is to have one of each, since each one has its advantages!

Human hair

Human hair wigs offer a more natural look. And although they can be the most expensive choice, with proper care, they are also the most durable, they can last between 1 and 2 years. They are very soft, with a shine and movement that is not easily reproducible with synthetic hair.

Remy quality human hair is considered the premium choice. The cuticles are kept in the same direction at the time of collecting and manufacturing the wig. With the cuticles aligned and in the same direction, the hair looks and feels silkier and tangles much less. All the wigs in our assortment are of this quality.

With the cuticles aligned and in the same direction, the hair looks and feels silkier and tangles much less. All the wigs in our assortment are of this quality. Also keep in mind that this hair does not benefit from the scalp's natural oils, so it is important to moisturize and condition the hair daily.

If for you the most important thing is quality, do not hesitate to acquire the human hair wig. Apart from the price, the main drawback of this type of hair is the necessary maintenance (as with natural hair); it requires effort. Many people prefer to have to comb and shape hair on a daily basis as it allows for greater control over appearance as well as a sense of normalcy that can come with the daily hair styling ritual. Keep in mind that human hair doesn't come out of the box ready to use. You can choose to customize it by a professional stylist to get exactly the look you like.

Synthetic hair

Thanks to technological advances, synthetic hair has come a long way in recent years. In some cases it is difficult to notice the difference, the density and texture are such that they feel almost like human hair. In fact, in the highest quality synthetic parts, you won't notice the difference.

The most interesting thing about synthetic hair is that it can normally be used directly by taking it out of the box. The fiber used has "memory" and maintains the hairstyle; waves, curls and volume are kept intact with minimal effort; it can even endure in bad weather or rain. Once washed, it will be allowed to air dry and recover the original hairstyle.

However, what synthetic hair lacks versatility. It cannot be stylized with different forms of styling like human hair. Only special Heat Friendly synthetic hair can be stylized with heat to achieve a desired style. Keep in mind that even Heat Friendly fiber can be difficult to comb, as synthetic fiber is more resistant to change.

Synthetic hair is also less durable than human hair. With proper care they can last in good condition around 6 months. It is very important to follow the care recommendations to extend the lifespan of this type of hair.

The low versatility of synthetic hair is not a handicap because it is much cheaper; you can choose to have a wide variety of styles to go perfect without spending time on it.

Finally, my experience tells me that if you decide on a synthetic wig, it is better to opt for one with short or medium hair (that does not rub the shoulders), so you will get them to take longer to wear the fibers by the contact and rubbing of the clothes. In addition, the longer they are, they lose naturalness, since they have a movement somewhat different from that of natural hair.

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