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¿What is the Lace front (Front Tul)?

Foto del escritor: ChiaraChiara

A wig with lace front has a thin, almost invisible lace material, to which the hairs are tied by hand one by one on the part of the forehead. The result is a very natural-looking hairline and the illusion that the hairs in the wig grow from the scalp.

These natural-looking wigs were originally worn by celebrities in Hollywood, actors and actresses used these undetectable wigs in movies to suit different roles. From then on, many people began to use lace fronts for everyday use.

I love lace fronts for many reasons, from their high quality to the versatility of style. There are also many different reasons why people use them, for hair loss due to alopecia, cancer treatments, other diseases, medications and, of course, for fashion.

¿They are the most expensive wigs with lace front?

They can be more expensive than wigs without a lace front, the reason is because they are of high quality and look more natural. If you want to remove the hair from the forehead, get an undetectable look and have a great versatility of styles, choose a wig with lace front.

¿They are worth the money that wigs with lace front cost?

Of course! Lace fronts are the perfect solution for an all-natural looking hairline using a wig. This can increase your confidence and give you more versatility of style, you can perform a variety of different hairstyles by removing the hair from the face.

¿Wigs with lace front can cause hair loss?

No! They do not cause hair loss or breakage and are very safe to use on natural hair. In fact, one benefit of wearing lace wigs is the protection of the biological hair underneath; washing and combing biological hair can cause damage or breakage. Wigs are ideal to wear on biological hair, especially when they are thin or thin. It is advisable to put a mesh or hat to protect it even more and hold it, thus making the use of the wig more comfortable.

¿Wigs with lace front damage your hair?

Some people use double-sided tapes or adhesives for a greater fastening of the wig or so that the front lace is correctly placed, this may be necessary when the wig is of low quality or is not the right size. Biological hair damage can occur when we apply those adhesives or tapes on top of our natural hairline and/or do not use the right products to remove the adhesive and remove the wig.

None of our wigs need adhesives or double-sided tapes to make them perfect, in fact, we do not recommend using this type of product; they are cumbersome, can produce skin irritations and even hair loss (if we have).

¿The lace front is essential for a natural look?

Nope; if the style of the wig is with bangs, the front lace is not necessary, since it is not seen, and what it does is increase the price of the wig without giving an added value. So if you love to wear bangs, you can save the front lace while maintaining a totally natural look.

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