The most important thing in a wig is not the style, or even the type of fiber used; the most important thing is the making of the helmet, how the frame is made; how the hair is fastened, comfort and style depend on it.

This is the fundamental difference between some wigs and others; there are several ways in the processing of the frame as well as variants in the way of incorporating the hair. This is the hardest part when choosing a wig, but it is very important to know it to make the best choice.
These are the types of helmets of our wigs, they do not need double-sided tapes or adhesives, being very comfortable and with an exceptional adaptation.

Basic or machine-made cap *
(also known as capless)
The hair is attached to thin ribbons of cotton in the form of strips. It adapts well to the shape of the head, has structure and volume at the base, is easy to comb and provides excellent air circulation in the head, keeping it cool.

Partial monofilament (on the crown ** or on the stripe ***).
Monofilament is a skin-like fabric in which each hair is knotted individually in a very delicate handmade work, either in the form of a whirlpool or in an elongated shape depending on the wig.
With this the wig looks very natural especially in the most visible places, since it looks the same as the scalp when the hair is separated in the form of a stripe or crown.
Much of the rest of the wig is machine-sewn, in which the hair is sewn into thin cotton ribbons. This machine mount fits the head very well and provides excellent air circulation.

Front tulle (Lace front)
It can be normal º (from temple to temple) or elongated ºº(from ear to ear).
The hair is incorporated into the forehead area individually in a transparent set. Thus it resembles natural hair growth; this allows it to be combed in different ways and even removed from the face.

Monofilament + machine-woven ****
High quality wig. The upper part of the head is made of monofilament (invisible tissue on the skin) in which the hair is knotted individually with great care manually. The rest of the wig is machine-made. The machine mount adapts very well to the shape of the head and is fresh, the upper area of the head with its hand-knotted monofilament gives it a great naturalness, being able to comb and put the stripe as desired.

100% handmade *****
For the most sensitive scalp. The hair is knotted by hand in a thin elastic tulle. This frame gives exceptional wearing comfort and is very lightweight. Hair can be combed in any direction.

Monofilament + hand knotted ******
A luxury lid with a handmade work that offers a maximum naturalness in 100%. In the area of the upper part of the head the hair is incorporated individually into the monofilament (tissue that seems invisible on the skin). The other part of the hair is knotted to the fine tulle which makes the natural growth of the hair almost natural. The lid is thus very light and a with great comfort. Hair can be combed in any direction.
In each wig you will see some symbols next to his name that indicates the type of helmet he wears:
* Machine-made
** Monofilament on the crown, machine-made rest.
*** Monofilament in the part of the stripe, rest made by machine.
**** Monofilament + Machine-woven
***** 100% knotted by hand
****** Monofilament + 100% knotted by hand
º Front tulle (lace front) from temple to temple
ºº Elongated tulle rub (lace front) from ear to ear #pelucas #viajar #esteticaoncologica #baldisbeautiful #alopecia #alopeciaareataespaña #alopeciasupport #alopeciaareata #alopeciatotalis #alopeciaawarness #alopeciauniversalis #alopeciafeminina #femalehairloss #alopeciawigs #bienestaremocional #acceptyourself #luchadoras #turbantesoncologicos #tuluchaesmilucha #sumatealrosa #cancerdemama #cancerdepecho #breastcancer #her2 #her2positive #vivirconcancer #vivirconalopecia #fuckcancer #contigodamoslacara #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #oncolologico #masinvestigacionparamasvida #lazorosa #unade8 #ellenwille #wig #wigs #lacefrontwigs #pelucasnaturales #pelucassinteticas #humanhair #pelucas #pelonatural #itsawig