I've always had fun reading the top 10 favorite beauty products from people I follow, sometimes I find products I don't know and that are very interesting, and I always have a good time.
So I've decided to make my top 10 of my favorite wigs. These posts are usually made at the end of the year, but why not now?, next year on these dates I will do another one, we will see how my tastes have changed! (or not).
So I've decided to make my top 10 of my favorite wigs. These posts are usually made at the end of the year, but why not now?, next year on these dates I will do another one, we will see how my tastes have changed! (or not).

1. Arrow from the Perucci collection (Ellen Wille). The most famous pelu of the collection and I would dare to say of the brand. Although I'm not a fan of long synthetic wigs, I couldn't take it off this list, because it really is amazing. It has very soft and super flattering waves with a perfect cut, lace front to remove the hair from the forehead and monofilament in the part of the stripe to be natural. That the rest of the hair is made of wefts, for me it is a plus, because it is perfect to be able to place hairpins without moving. My favorite color: Sand multirooted.
2. Natalie by Jon Renau. It was the first pixie I've ever had, and I'm especially fond of it. Jon Renau is a prestigious American brand, the lid is a little bigger than the European fluff, but having fit on the back, it fits perfectly. Natalie is a perfect basic model for day to day, the hairstyle is always stylized, with somewhat long bangs that stays well on the forehead without disturbing, fits impeccably and you forget that you wear it. My favorite color is the well-known 12S8 shaded praline. It is the most famous of the brand, and it does not surprise me, I have not yet found a more beautiful tone.

3. Spectra Plus from the Pure Power collection (Ellen Wille). This wig came to me for a return and it was a crush. I do not like to accumulate natural hair lint, because over time they become dehydrated and then it is not easy to recover the softness, flexibility and movement of a principle. I still had my Emotion in use, but I made the exception and kept it; is in-cre-i-ble! Ellen Wille's natural fiber is the best I know, the feeling when putting it on is hard to describe. 100% knotted by hand allows me to make thousands of different hairstyles, it fits me like a glove (that's very difficult), and it has a perfect cut and length for me. The color: Light Bernstein Rooted.
4. Cheyenne by René of Paris. It fell into my hands and in my head by chance, I was looking for a comfortable and practical synthetic hair, a half-mane bob with the stripe in the middle (which is so fashionable) and not that it went up much in price. I wanted a gradient and natural tone and, of course, I found it in René of Paris. My chosen shade: Honey comb brown. Comfortable, flattering, trendy and a natural look.

5. Tori by René of Paris. The bob with the nape clear for every day. Very practical, easy to carry, does not require maintenance, I just put it on and run, I do not look in the mirror, it is always perfect. The fiber has a great quality and does not clog, it takes a long time to spoil. Wear long bangs, which for me is a great advantage, because it can be adjusted to your forehead (not all are the same), I have had several; some I have cut the bangs and others I have not... a matter of taste. My favorite colors: Ginger Brown and Creamy Toffe Rooted (Sorry, I can't keep one).
6. Kai by René of Paris. He's the perfect bob. It stands out for the gradient tones that are really beautiful; the one I like the most is the Melted Marsmallow. The fiber is of the highest quality without unnatural shines, very smooth, without tangles, without the need to stylize, it is always perfect. It has a realistic monofilament in the area of the stripe (on one side) and lace front. For me it would be a 10 if you could move the line of place, for those who do not need it is perfect.

7. Point from the Perucci collection (Ellen Wille). There are many pixies, but this is the one I like the most. With a simple structure, unpretentious, casual and professional cut at a low price. It is perfect for summer, very practical, I comb it with my fingers, fresh, very comfortable, and above all, flattering. The wefts allow me to put on the forks that I like so much without them moving or having to be careful not to damage the lid. When the heat starts to tighten, I always wear my hair short, and see that I try different models, but in the end I stay with Point, in hot chocolate mix color.
8. Emotion from the Pure Power collection (Ellen Wille). My perfect hair! I have it in Mocca Rooted tone, and after the washes, it has been lightening (all the natural hair pelus happens to them) I like it more and more. I have been cutting it over time and now I wear it with straight bangs. Its great versatility makes it perfect; its 100% handmade confection allows you to comb it in many ways, the natural hair is incredibly soft, flexible and with a movement difficult to match. Of course, you have to take care of it and stylize it, so it is not my first option for day to day.

9. Tabu from the Perucci collection (Ellen Wille). What's so special about this wig? Apart from its soft waves and its lace front... the tones! Current, natural and incredible, only suitable for the most daring. Last year I used the rose blonde, but, I confess, the one that has me totally in love is the Rose Wood, it could not be more special.
10. Mila Petit by Jon Renau. Of all the wavy manes, this is the perfect one. Jon Renau is characterized by the quality of its synthetic fiber (it may be one of the best) and the variety of its tones. No other brand has so many colors to choose from in the same model, it's to go crazy!!. Mila has super natural waves, lace front, the top of monofilament so you can change the line of site (important aspect for me) and the rest is made of wefts, so it is easy to hook accessories, perfect to be able to make my beloved braids. It looks and feels incredibly natural, it has me totally in love! My favorite color is the 6F27 caramel ribbon.
As you can see, most of my favorite wigs are blonde (my biological hair was brown), and I never imagined that I liked light tones so much, they are the advantages of being able to change hair in the blink of an eye and be able to try, they also have in common that they are all Rooted (with darker roots); it gives me more sense of naturalness, and can be marked by my brown past, who knows!!
Next year I will do the top 10 again, will I change my mind?
What are your favorites?

@chiara.dare.to.be #esteticaoncologica #baldisbeautiful #alopecia #alopeciaareataespaña #alopeciasupport #alopeciaareata #alopeciatotalis #alopeciaawarness #alopeciauniversalis #alopeciafeminina #femalehairloss #alopeciawigs #bienestaremocional #acceptyourself #luchadoras #turbantesoncologicos #tuluchaesmilucha #sumatealrosa #cancerdemama #cancerdepecho #breastcancer #her2 #her2positive #vivirconcancer #vivirconalopecia #fuckcancer #contigodamoslacara #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #oncolologico #masinvestigacionparamasvida #lazorosa #unade8 #ellenwille #wig #wigs #lacefrontwigs #pelucasnaturales #pelucassinteticas #humanhair #pelucas #pelonatural #toppelucas #pelucasfavoritas #top10pelucas