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The importance of colors

Foto del escritor: ChiaraChiara

Nature has endowed us with beautiful colors to nourish our body and spirit. Color is good for physical, mental, and spiritual health. It makes us feel strong, kind, relaxed and happy. It is important to resort to them in low moods and thus give us their chromatic harmony, according to the external image that we want to project to the world of ourselves, feeling comfortable and favored.

If you usually wear muted colors such as black, beige and earthy tones, you can include in your outfit striking accessories such as earrings and scarves, adding a touch of makeup so as not to look pale.

¿What are the colors that most favor you?

It is important to know that all colors feel good to us but not all ranges. According to our color harmony, one or the other will favor us more depending on our objectives. There is a combination of colors appropriate to each personality and thanks to them we can gain in seriousness, sweeten our image or rejuvenate our appearance.

Identify what your color harmony is. To do this you must take into account your hair color, complexion and eyes:

- If your skin is golden and you have brown eyes and brown hair, you have a warm harmony. In this case, to win in security you must bet on cold colors that will highlight your features. However, if you prefer a more neutral image, opt for warmer colors that will soften your features.

- If your skin is light or pink, your eyes blue or green, and your hair is blonde, light brown or ashy, your harmony is cold. In this case the warm and intense colors will be the most flattering while if you opt for the cooler colors you will look more neutral.

A color an effect

- If you want to look leaner, combine garments of the same color or in harmony. The absence of contrast stylizes. Of course, bet on dark colors that do not provide volume.

- If you want to look more jovial and dynamic, combine garments with contrasting colors.

- To neutralize a part of the body choose dark colors.

- On the contrary, light colors provide spaciousness. Use them to enhance your virtues.

- If you want to sweeten your image and provide a more romantic touch, opt for pastel colors, while with bright colors you will look more jovial and accessible.

- ¿You want to gain in security and seriousness? combine cool colors.

- If otherwise you want to look closer and more accessible, warm colors will be the most recommended.

- Primary colors such as magenta, yellow and cyan are perfect for conveying creativity, ingenuity and even a childish touch.

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