Knowing which size of wig to choose was one of the aspects that I found more complicated, every time I consulted a web page a lot of measures to take and sometimes unclear tables appeared.
Knowing your measurement is much simpler, the measure you will need is the circumference or cranial perimeter, the rest of the measures to take is only if you are going to make a custom wig or hair prosthesis, and in that case, you must go to a specialized center where they will be the ones who take the measurements.
For our wigs we have 3 measures
Small (petit): from 50 to 54 cm
Standard: 54 to 57cm
Large: 57 to 60 cm
95% of the population uses the standard size, so this is probably your case.
Not all heads are perfectly round and symmetrical, on the contrary, practically all of us have a particular skull shape. Therefore, there is no such thing as a perfect measure. One wig can settle better than another depending on many parameters. So, in general, we should not think that wigs will fit like a "glove" (in fact gloves almost never fit perfectly either). It is about the wig being comfortable to wear. Depending on the shape of our head, we may feel that the wig squeezes us more on one side than the other. That's normal and we get used to it right away.
That's not a wig flaw. In fact, it is possible that even some wigs from the same manufacturer fit perfectly and others do not depend on the characteristics of the lid. Our wigs do not need adhesives or double-sided tapes.
It is always better than "over" and not that it is "missing", because a large wig can be adjusted but a wig that does not enter the head has a bad solution. The meshes with which the undetectable wigs are made, do not usually yield, so if it is small it may never be comfortable for you.
To measure circumference:

Use a flat flexible tape measure (one of the "seamstresses").
Place the meter flat and fix it where the hair birth begins. If you do not have any hair that serves as a reference, raise your eyebrows as much as you can. You will see that the skin of the scalp sinks and the implantation line is drawn. The tape has to pass behind the ears and through the nape of the neck.
Do not place it too tight or too loose. That it does not leave marks on the skin, but that it does not stay hanging somewhere.
As it comes out always round up.
If you hesitate between two measures, always opt for the greatest result. Keep in mind that it is always better that the wig is large, because it can be adjusted with the elastic tape, so that it is small and does not enter the head
Enjoy your wigs.

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