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How to Care for and Wash Your Natural or Mixed Hair Wig.

Foto del escritor: ChiaraChiara

Wigs, extensions or pieces of hair made of human hair withstand intense chemical processing during their production, in order to maintain them correctly, it is necessary to use specially formulated care products; it is important to use only products that are specific to this type of wigs, do not use standard products that you use for organic hair, as chemicals can decrease their life and spoil the cap.

It is not necessary to wash them daily, in fact, it is not recommended; every time you wash your wig, its shelf life is shortened, so it should be washed when it is dirty and not before. If you wear your wig every day, about 10 hours, it's normal for you to wash 1 time a week. You can always lengthen your wash if you use a special hat under a wig that will help absorb the oils from the scalp and keep the helmet cleaner for longer, in addition to providing you with a plus of comfort.

Always store your wig on a stand that is smaller than the wig cap, to prevent it from stretching. And it is preferable that you keep it in a place where you do not give direct sunlight. If you're going to go time without using it, protect it with a natural fiber cloth or bag, such as cotton or linen.

Do not wear a wig while you sleep, you can cause her to lose hair or break.

Over time your wig will lose hair, it is totally natural and a natural part of its cycle.

On the other hand, it is important that you avoid contact with chlorinated water, sea water and hot water, if you want to take a bath you do not feel like showing your head uncovered, it is better that you use a bandana or bathing cap, there are beautiful models.

How to wash the natural or mixed wig:

What you'll need:

- Shampoo for natural hair

- Natural hair balm

- Natural hair conditioner

- Natural hair mask (every four washes).

- Towel

1- Place your wig on a polystyrene head, and put a pin on both sides and another on the back to leave it fastened.

2- Detangles the hair, starts at the ends of the hair and continues to the cap, removes the tangles without pulling or dragging. Use a comb or brush that is special for wigs and if you can not untangle the knots, you can apply a spray conditioner that will help you.

3- Grind it with running water from the roots to the ends, never rub, as it can produce tangles and spoil the hair. If the hair is short you can do it under the sink faucet, and if it is long you can hold it under the tap of your bathtub or shower. Let the cold water flow from the base to the tips and then squeeze gently to remove excess water (do not twist).

4- Wash: Pour the shampoo into your hands and distribute a small amount of shampoo evenly from the root to the tips. Leave it on for a few minutes, it does not take long, the shampoo is self-cleaning and dissolves dirt quickly.

5- Rinse: Let warm or cold water flow in the same direction of the hair to prevent it from tanging.

6- Balm: Apply a small amount of balm on your hands and rub them. Then work on the hair, distribute the cream delicately avoiding the root and knots, from the stockings to the ends, you can take the opportunity to detangle the hair with a comb starting at the ends and working upwards. If we apply balm to the roots, the product will undo the knots in the lid and cause hair loss. Leave the balm on for about 3 minutes and then rinse. Press gently with a towel to remove excess water.

7- Mask: Every four washes is essential to use the mask after the balm, since natural hair needs extra intensive hydration to maintain its softness and flexibility. Use it just like the conditioner and leave it on for 10 minutes.

8- Dry with a towel: Gently pressing the head and hair. Never squeeze too much, rub or twist the wig.

9- Hydrate: If you want to take care of it more you can apply a conditioner or serum, to provide a plus of hydration and protection to the hair. Both products can be used dry at any time.

10- Dry it: Let it air dry without removing it from the head, it is very important not to remove the wig from the mannequin until we are sure that it is completely dry; if you remove it before you can damage the cap of the wig and the roots of it.

11- Comb it. Once dry you can use styling tools such as curling irons and irons to give it the style you prefer.

Now you can remove it from your head and enjoy your hair.

The simplest thing to acquire the products you need for the washing and care of your wig is to acquire a set, in it you have most of the necessary products and in addition, you will save a few euros.

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