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Female Alopecia: That Great Unknown

Foto del escritor: ChiaraChiara

Showing my bald head attracts looks of compassion, curiosity, mockery... But never (or almost never) of indifference, this makes that in the moments that I feel most vulnerable I choose to cover it to go unnoticed.

Traditionally associated with men, alopecia in women remains taboo, despite the fact that experts estimate that more than 30% of women will suffer some type of alopecia throughout their lives. Despite this outrageous figure, very few people talk about it; society is not used to seeing bald women, it is associated with cancer and we always have to give many explanations

Female alopecia has multiplied in recent decades without the cause being known. It is not only a cosmetic disease, the emotional impact it produces is very serious, in a society that relates hair to femininity it can lead to depression and social isolation, needing the help of experts (which sometimes is not easy to access). In recent months, cases of intense fall called 'telogen effluvium' have grown exponentially, induced by the coronavirus. This means that in the last year there has been more talk about this problem, but the truth is that 80 percent of the cases in which women lose their hair are not related to the sequelae of COVID-19, cancer or other diseases. They are alopecia.

Types of Female Alopecia

- Androgenic or hereditary alopecia: it is the most common, both in men and women. In the case of women, it is estimated that it can affect at least 25 percent. Unlike the male one, which is located at the entrances and the crown, the female one is of a diffuse type: it begins to clear in the central areas and can continue to the crown. The hair is fine-tuned and loses density.

- Scar alopecia: it is caused by an inflammatory process of autoimmune cause, and sometimes it is very difficult to diagnose. If it is not possible to stop, the follicle atrophies and is lost definitively, so the hair does not re-sprout. Scar alopecia mainly includes the fibrosing frontal alopecia form.

- Fibrosing frontal alopecia: it affects women to a greater extent, especially from menopause and its incidence has grown vertiginously in recent times. It mainly affects the area of the headband, that is, the frontal and lateral area of the head and, very frequently, the eyebrows. The result is the receding of the hairline, which causes a great aesthetic impact. It seems to have a double autoimmune mechanism (which implies that the body itself attacks the hair producing inflammation that, if not stopped, ends up destroying the hair follicle) and hormonal.

- Alopecia areata: it is of autoimmune type and in its most serious forms produces a generalized hair loss, even losing all the hair of the scalp, the hair of the eyebrows, eyelashes and body (universal areata).

- Telogen effluvium: it is a diffuse fall that can appear in stressful situations between two and three months after the event that triggers it and is being one of the sequelae of COVID-19. The hair usually recovers spontaneously.

Recently a survey fell into my hands that made me understand the reason for so much ignorance: the company Viviscal surveyed a thousand Spanish women between 20 and 60 years old:

54% recognize that it is an issue that is little talked about because it is very uncomfortable; the excessive importance of the female image is the main reason not to talk about it, with 31.2% of the responses.

In second place is shame, with 20.6% and low self-esteem, with 19.6%.

The 17.1% who point to ignorance as the reason for considering this taboo subject stand out.

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