I would love to bring a smile to your face, because being bald has its fun part. I have come up with several curiosities of being a pelona:
1. I don't have to comb your hair in the mornings, I just get up and leave. Sometimes I put on a wig (synthetic, please) and run.
2. I can bathe, exercise, and swim without worrying about wetting my hair or sweating.
3. My facial features stand out more, and I love it.

4. I drop the icing on the cake like babies, as I have no hairs on my nose, the mucus falls uncontrollably.
5. I can easily change my appearance, and I do it continuously.
6. I stand out from a crowd; "you can't hide if you were born to stand out" I once heard.
7. The feeling is liberating, letting the water run on your head is quite an experience.
8. During the summer I go super cool, I'm sure I generate more than one envy.
9. Having neither eyelashes nor eyebrows, the eyes are unprotected, so I usually always wear glasses, I have more than 20!
10. I have legs, armpits and other soft areas like the ass of a baby and without any maintenance.
11. Having universal alopecia, I don't have any hair and it doesn't grow, so I don't have to worry about cumbersome shaving.
Can you think of any other curiosity?

@chiara.dare.to.be #esteticaoncologica #baldisbeautiful #alopecia #alopeciaareataespaña #alopeciasupport #alopeciaareata #alopeciatotalis #alopeciaawarness #alopeciauniversalis #alopeciafeminina #femalehairloss #alopeciawigs #bienestaremocional #acceptyourself #luchadoras #turbantesoncologicos #tuluchaesmilucha #sumatealrosa #cancerdemama #cancerdepecho #breastcancer #her2 #her2positive #vivirconcancer #vivirconalopecia #fuckcancer #contigodamoslacara #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #oncolologico #masinvestigacionparamasvida #lazorosa #unade8 #ellenwille #wig #wigs #lacefrontwigs #pelucasnaturales #pelucassinteticas #humanhair #pelucas #pelonatural