Hair loss or alopecia is the most well-known and visible side effect of chemotherapy. Cancer cells have the property of dividing rapidly and cytostatic cells are drugs that aim to eliminate these cells that divide rapidly or slow down their proliferation. The problem is that they also affect other cells, such as those responsible for hair and hair growth in hair follicles. This is what causes your loss after chemotherapy.

¿Why Not All Patients Lose Their Hair After Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy uses a specific combination of drugs. The composition of this mixture depends on the type of cancer. Some medications cause hair loss, but others cause little or no hair loss. In some chemotherapy treatments the hair does not fall out but becomes weaker and thinner. Your doctor will be able to tell you the percentage risk of losing your hair.
¿How to care for your hair during chemotherapy treatment?
During chemotherapy it is important to treat your hair very carefully. Don't wash it too often and always use a natural mild shampoo. If you use a hair dryer, adjust it to the minimum heat temperature. Avoid the sun, dyes and perms that will dry it out too much. It is also important to avoid curls and hard brushes.
¿When hair starts to fall out?
In general, hair begins to fall out 2-3 weeks after the first chemotherapy session. In some cases the fall is gradual, in others, the hair falls out to whole strands.
Ideally, do not wait for the first day of the fall to find a solution. Anticipate and choose your wig and / or cancer cap before your first chemotherapy, then you may be more tired and you will find the choice a little more arduous.
If you opt for a wig, choose from a specialized wig manufacturer. You will find many pages that offer wigs, be wary of those that offer natural wigs at incredibly reduced prices, or wigs without an internationally recognized brand, they are usually of very low quality, uncomfortable and very artificial (no matter how beautiful they appear in the photos). In Chiara Cabello we only work with wigs of exclusive international brands, maybe prices can go up, but you will not go wrong.
For chemotherapy scarves, sun hats and oncological scarves for the day or rest, it is best to choose collections specifically designed for people under cancer treatment, so you ensure that they will cover your needs (natural fibers, breathable, antibacterial, seamless, etc.).On our page we have a wide selection for all styles. We have a lot of beautiful ones!
¿You have to cut your hair very short or shave your head?
We do not have to cut our hair or shave our heads, but it is often very advisable. Some consider that the passage from long hair to a bald head gradually is less traumatic than cutting your hair just before chemotherapy. But if you shave, once the hair begins to fall out, you will not lose long strands but small ones. Some people find it less difficult to gradually shorten the length, others choose to shave their heads because it gives them the impression of being in control of the loss. Both alternatives are valid, the essential thing is to respect the times that each person needs.
If you decide to shave your head, use an electric razor at a cut level number 3, so as not to irritate the skin or hurt you. If you're not used to these devices, ask a trusted person with experience or go to your usual hairdresser.
¿Falling as a result of chemotherapy may be painful?
Some women experience discomfort when their hair begins to fall out. They describe it as a feeling like wearing a ponytail for a long time. This discomfort is called "trichodynia." Others feel only a slight itching or a tingling sensation. It usually only lasts a few days and can vary from person to person.
¿Hair may fall out as well?
In addition to hair, the rest of the hair on the body also tends to fall out: the hairs on the arms and legs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armpit hair and pubic hair. It depends on the type of chemotherapy and varies from person to person.

Hairless, ¿there is a feeling of cold in the head?
The head cools faster without the protective layer of hair. Chemotherapy wigs, hats, handkerchiefs or turbans are not only worn to hide hair loss, but also to keep the head warm and protected. You will feel especially cold at night (mainly in autumn and winter), we advise you to use a basic model hat of chemo to sleep, made of soft fabrics and natural fibers. Chemotherapy causes your scalp to become dry and sensitive, so the slightest rubbing can cause discomfort.
¿When hair will grow back after chemotherapy?
The following usually happens:
- 2-3 weeks after finishing chemotherapy, a soft fluff appears.
- 1 month later, real hair begins to grow at a normal rate.
- 2 months later, the hair can grow up to 2.5 cms.
¿Hair will be the same after chemotherapy?
The texture and color of your new hair may be different after chemotherapy. After your last chemo, you will still have to wait a while for the medicines to have completely disappeared from your body. The roots need time to function properly again. It can happen that the hair grows curly at first and then returns to normal, sometimes you have to wait 12 months for the hair to return to its usual appearance.
In cases of long-term treatments, or in repetitive treatments due to relapses, the hair may have difficulty recovering the amount and thickness of the past, but they are exceptional cases.

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