Female alopecia is one of the great taboos of our society, no one talks about it, it seems that it does not exist although the reality is quite different. We have normalized that a man can lose his hair and nothing happens, no one is surprised to see a bald man. Women, on the other hand, are mostly hidden, under a handkerchief or under a wig.
Since I ran out of hair, I began to discover the number of people who had my same condition, invisible in the eyes of our society. We have to break this taboo and projects like "Bald Women" represent that silent reality that little by little wants to come to light. Its Director Sandra Román leads a crowdfunding campaign to finance "Mujeres Calvas": "it is my first long documentary, a debut film that is born from a personal motivation and with which I not only want to vindicate female alopecia but the freedom of all women who today are prey to stereotypes".

Sandra Román: "Most people who see a bald woman the first thing they think is that she is sick, something that does not happen with men."
Female alopecia is a great taboo in our society and is a great unknown to no, a long documentary that will tell the life of women with alopecia (androgenetic, areata, universal, diffuse ...), entering into their daily lives, their work and their way of life. A story about the process of hair loss from sensitivity and respect. They will be the protagonists, without testimonies from friends or family and without medical opinions. Most people who see a bald woman the first thing they think is that she is sick, something that does not happen with men. All this misinformation makes female baldness live in solitude and this is the greatest limitation to be able to face and normalize it.
From this same reflection, from the need to make visible, the Bald Women project was born, a long documentary that will tell the life of women with alopecia (androgenetic, areata, universal, diffuse ...), entering into their daily lives, their work and their way of life. A story about the process of hair loss from sensitivity and respect. They will be the protagonists, without testimonies from friends or family and without medical opinions. The important thing is not only to know what alopecia is but how it affects women because they are women. To show something that has never been talked about is to contribute to ending the social stigma and labor exclusion that sufrimos.

Hair is one of the most hypersexualized symbols in our society, you do not need to turn on the TV to see those models with their precise manes. Telling the world that beauty is also bald means unleashing many women, it means breaking with the business and it means making us owners of who we are.
To say that female baldness has nothing to do with stress and that it is not caused by us, is also to break with the stereotype of the hysterical woman. ¿Someone believes that bald men are bald because they are stressed? It is very easy to understand when we turn it around. Especially in a society in which in a matter of a few years we have made the bald man a sexy man. Create Mujeres calvas seeks to ensure that equality also finally reaches this silenced corner and that there is not a single woman who has to give explanations in a job interview about her physical appearance.
This documentary wants to vindicate the stereotype-free image of all women, as well as get society to stop thinking that bald women are less sexy, less beautiful and less women. The day must come when going with a wig is not a crutch but a complement. That day when no one feels judged if they wear a wig, a handkerchief or just want to go bald.
All bald women have suffered, many have resigned, some have accepted themselves and very few of us feel free. Alopecia is a very painful process that is ignored and will not cease to exist because it has no cure. Tomorrow or the day after a new girl or woman will lose her hair and it is necessary that they know that they are not alone, so that it is not so hard, so that they receive the most honest clinical information and so that they do not undergo treatments that harm their health or fall into the hands of miraculous treatments or gurus "hair growers".
The project "Mujeres Calvas" is almost already a reality and to achieve it the team of Bald Women, formed by Méltica productions in which Sandra Costa and Ángela Corredor work, as well as with the collaboration of Beatriz Moreno and Sandra Román Peñalba, as director and scriptwriter of the project, have opened a crowdfunding campaign through Verkami which ends on January 28 to be able to finance it.
Fuente: clubdemalasmadres.com
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